How to Transform Anxiety and Relearn to Live in the Joy
From juggling clients to managing staff to keeping your family life glued together, being a salon owner can undoubtedly bring its fair share of anxiety, but as today’s guest on the Salon Owners Collective podcast, Anthea Cutler explains, there’s nothing to fear. For anxiety is just a false message from your brain. In our chat,…
The Natural Evolution of Growing Your Salon Team
7 Habits of Highly Successful Salon Owners
Although there’s no single path to success and not everyone’s definition is the same, there are undoubtedly similar qualities that people who have achieved their ideals of success have in common. When looking at salon owners in particular, I’ve identified 7 habits that I’ve observed not only as a salon owner of 20+ years but…
Taking the Focus off of Followers to Strengthen Your Salon’s Social Media Strategy
It’s arguably one of the most discussed topics among salon owners and hairstylists looking to build their businesses and clientele, however, despite its popularity the subject of today’s podcast remains largely a mystery concerning how it works to turn your time and effort into actual profits. That’s right; I’m talking about social media and how…
Building the Foundation of Your Salon Brand Strategy
When we think of consistently drawing in new clients for our salon, we often turn to see if what we’re doing in our marketing efforts is effective. However, marketing stems from strong messaging, and messaging is rooted in a clear brand strategy. So, if your salon brand strategy isn’t clear, it’s not going to speak…