Moving From Top Sales Stylist to Becoming a Successful Salon Owner
In this episode, we’re answering a question from one of our members in the Salon Owners Collective group who is ready to transition out of the role of being the top sales stylist in her salon to becoming a successful salon owner and CEO. If you find yourself hitting the ceiling with your time, energy,…
Releasing Your Food and Body Obsessions for Ultimate Freedom
Making the Most of Your Continuing Education in Your Salon
You just attended a killer industry conference or completed an incredible workshop, and you can’t wait to get back to your salon and begin putting all your newfound knowledge into action with your team. But alas, reality hits. You’re slammed from the moment you walk back into the salon and everything you learned shifts to…
6 Steps for Boosting Your Salon’s Social Media Marketing Efforts
The 3 Things Holding Your Salon’s Success Hostage
Do you have a hostage situation in your salon? No, not the nightmare scenario you’re envisioning, but still scary nonetheless, I’m talking about your salon’s success. And the person who’s keeping it hostage is you. Thankfully, with a few foundational steps, you can finally set the potential for your salon’s success free and begin seeing…