Unlock Freedom & Thrive in 2019

It’s officially the crazy manic time of the year, Christmas! I remember so painfully and clearly that when I was standing behind the chair every December, I would always tell myself “this is my last year doing clients”, next year would be different for the salon.
I hated Christmas with a passion, it took me away from the thing that I loved doing most; Running my business. I also felt like I had to make personal sacrifices just to keep on top of it all. I wouldn’t have time for lunch and going to the toilet felt like a disruption to my clients.
Not to mention, it also drove my staff crazy! Overbooked clients, hectic personal lives, clients running late who also had higher expectations and places to be. It was a madhouse.
What’s even worse is December makes us reflect on the year that has been. I would always start to notice the things I didn’t achieve. I would set big elaborate goals at the start of the year and I wasn’t nearly as close to completing that list as I would have hoped.
Not only was I stressed and overworked but I would become disappointed.
Something HAD to change.
Eventually, I was over it. I didn’t love this way of doing things and I know you don’t either. Here are some things to keep in mind during this crazy period…
It can’t happen overnight
I want you to focus on the current here and now, and park the rest. Right now you are in survival mode and you need to start moving into thriving. Give yourself permission to say no and take control of the situation.
More clients doesn’t equal more $$$
As tempting as it is to jam and cram more clients into the last 3 weeks leading up to Christmas, you are going to jeopardise a lot of things, so you need to ask yourself, it is worth it. You may have a lot more butts on seats but what drops is the average spend of those clients because your team are too ‘busy’ to give them the usual 10/10 service and experience. Quality over quantity.
Don’t stir the pot… more
Your team will thank you for not making them crazier and over booked, more than they already are at this time of year AND your clients will thank you for making their experience and outcomes your top priority. Fewer clients, Investing more $$$ equals less stress for all concerned.
Moving into 2019, you NEED to plan differently.
Let’s not drop the ball on the new year just because you are trying to survive Christmas. Don’t just plan to do the plan, set aside time, get a Salon Coach if you think you need to really invest in this or join a Supportive Hub of like-minded people.
I want you to think about how many hours you’ll work next Christmas, who will you be, what will your team look like and how can you support them without compromising your own sanity.
Let’s get some clarity back.
I want you to remember why you started this and what vision you had. Remember why you left your last job? It was most likely because you wanted to be more, do more, have more freedom and more profit and not have people tell you how to do it… right?
So, it starts with YOU.
You have the power to create a business around you – How you want to live, the hours you want to be in the business, the income you want, travel, the house you desire and the fitness you crave. I know that it can feel far-fetched when you’re feeling the pain of the daily grind, but when you have this clearly in your mind of where you want to be, you can leverage it. You can have the business you actually LOVE and thrive in.
It is possible, not only did I do this several times over, but one of my favourite Salon Owners that we work with is enjoying her Christmas being 100% in a supportive role for her team. She is not bogged down with clients and she is helping her business thrive.
The funny things is that when she did do clients (before she had her babies) she was just managing to survive. The commitment of her leadership and CEO role has allowed her to remain in control of her business as its grown.
If you still think it’s not possible…
Every time I have committed to moving through what I call ‘the journey from stylist to manager to leader and finally to CEO’ – my business has had exponential growth.
Step by step, I created time to work ON the business – it doesn’t grow on its own, It just gets busier and bogged down.
The same journey happened to me in this business too… I worked ON the 5 key areas of the business. I take you through what those 5 steps are in my Freedom & Profit Framework.
If you are interested in thriving into 2019, grab my updated guide, I talk you through exactly how to step your way through it.
In the Guide, we focus on:
- YOU and how you operate and structure a successful business.
- There is a segment on creating powerful profits
- Building a Rockstar Team and supporting them to smash sales
- How to build a framework to attract the right clients on demand
It’s a universal law; when you invest time in those areas of your business, you can’t help but grow.
If you want next year to be different for you and you are ready to step up into leadership and drive your business from surviving to thriving, here are my action steps for you…
- FRIST, give yourself 30 minutes to really think about 2019
- Grab the Freedom & Profit Guide Download
– Rate yourself from 1-10 in each section and Clarify what the 5 steps are that you need the most support in - Message me with what your “AHHA!” moment is OR reach out for a complementary strategy call , I can learn more about your business, your goals and dreams and then we can identify the gaps to what might be holding you back!!
Grab your Freedom and Profit Guide HERE.