Stand out from the Crowd and Sparkle

Hairdresser turned Inspirational entertainer, Julie Cross, has a hilarious view on the Hair & Beauty industry and the world in general.. and she is spot on! Her stories cover what we’re doing wrong.. what we’re doing right and how as hair and beauty therapists we have the ability to empower, entertain and energise those around us. This…

An End to Your Employee Problems

I’ve noticed that the one thing that is most commonly talked about in the Salon Industry and in the likes of Industry Facebook Groups is staff!!!   As Salon Owners, we are constantly complaining about our team, their lack of productivity and how it keeps you up at night. #Ihearya   In this episode I…

SEO Sorted for Salons

Can Google find your Salon when a potential client is searching? Does Google know you exist? How do you make sure you get into the first position on page one? Louise Blakely talks about how important your Salon’s relationship with Google is… she breaks it down into simple speak with her 3 most important tricks so…

Hangry Hairdressers at Christmas Time

I had coffee recently with an old salon owner friend who declared she was already in the Crazy Christmas period and I remember swearing and declaring each and every year, ‘this year is going to be my last on the floor. I hated those 3 weeks of December so much! I eventually worked out how…

Building an Authentic Salon Brand

Creating a brand that gets noticed and attracts new clients takes more than a pretty Logo, nice fonts and cool colours. Even a great digital presence on it’s own is just not enough. Claire Spalding from My Brand Story talks about the secrets of Big Brands you know and love and how you can take…