How to Attract New Clients with your Website?

Your website should be your biggest and most important online sales tool.
Yes, a sales tool. It should be bringing you new clients (and helping your existing ones stay connected with you).
But remember, your website is not an online sales tool for your business… Your website is an online buying tool for your Client!
There is an important differentiation there. It's important because it helps determine whether, and for how long, people will remain on your website - and whether or not they will book an appointment with YOU.
Let's review the questions your client will be asking herself:
- Where am I, Is it local, is it a salon? (or have I ended up on the wrong page).
- Will I Like and Trust the person looking after me?
- Vibe, tone, look and feel of a business - is it a match?
- Do other people go there? If other people trust it, I might too.
- Can they do what I want? Will I get what I want?
- Does it fit into my price range?
Does your website answer all these questions? To help you today, we explore how we can answer these questions for our prospective client through making sure we have a great website.
I’ve created a check list for you so you can go and do your own quick easy review. I’ve kept it super simple and not techy stuff at all!
Print out the checklist on the last page of this guide and make some notes while you review your website. Goto and click on FREE RESOURCES or this podcast episode.
The Grunt Test
If you showed your website to a cave-man for 5 seconds, can he tell you in a grunt what you do?
Make sure he can answer these 3 questions:
- What do you offer?
- How will you make my life better?
- How can I book or do business with you?
If someone can't answer these questions in 5 seconds from your home page, you have some work to do.
Is your client the hero?
Is your client the hero of your business or is it all about you, your brand or your product company?
Your clients need to be the Hero of your business and your website. Happy smiling people who have enjoyed your service, and look great, build trust immediately with your business and brand.
Are you speaking to her in HER language? It's really easy to speak in our own in-salon lingo and forget that for some clients, that makes no sense to them. Listen to how your ideal client speaks and use HER language to attract more clients just like her.
Can you look after her needs? It sounds so simple but do you show evidence and build confidence in your new visitor, that you can indeed do a great job of their hair or beauty needs? Before and afters or 'hero shots' all build a fast and visual case that you can do the job you say you can.
Testimonials: People trust other people more than what you say about yourself - get those nice comments your clients send you and put them clearly on your website! Add Photos!
Your Goal
Your website is something that people will visit to first learn more about your business. But what is the goal for your home page and website? Well, what do you want someone to do once they come to your website? Call you? Book an appointment? Join your newsletter list? What is the point of them coming to your website…? Think about that from your client's point of view.
Call to Action
This goal is called a “Call to Action.” What action do you want the visitor to take? The key is to focus and try not to suggest too many things at once on your home page. You should have one or two primary goals only. Remember they can click to other parts of your website for other information they want. - Book now? - Phone you? - Join your newsletter? - Follow you on Social Media?
Download the check list and do an audit on your website - download it here.
Make it Easy
We book flights, dinner reservations, our clothing and weekly food shop, all online - can your clients book with you too?
The internet is about convenience, people are easily frustrated and feel inconvenienced if they reach a dead end or have to click too many times. Once they decide to 'give you a go' how easy is it to connect with your business?
Can they book online? Can they call you from their mobile with one click? Do they need to search around your site to connect with you only to find a freaking form?!
Make sure they can book with you on the spot, online, and at any time! Ensure you have online booking on your website and your Facebook page. Not only on your page but in your news feed, messenger auto reply, your email signature and your SMS reminder text. #everywhere
Need a good salon software system - this is the salon software I know, love and trust. Make it easy to do business with you.
So let’s talk about Online Booking. Not only should you HAVE online booking but once they arrive at the booking page it should be simplified down to only a few services available to book.
Clients don't want to scroll through 'extra product' or 'toners' or a multitude of services when they don't know what they mean.
All they want to see is cutting, colour, waxing or facials etc KISS (keep it simple sweetheart) Simplicity will increase your booking conversions. You can connect with them to confirm the exact service before you confirm the online booking. You are safe using online booking.
Remember your website is an online buying tool for your customer (it’s not about you!)
Your Team
Did you know that a salon’s team page can be the 2nd or 3rd most visited page on a website, outside of the home page. What does that tell you? We know hair and beauty is a very personal service, people want to connect and get to know, like and trust the people who will be touching them.
Your team page should -
- Have each staff member with their photo looking at the camera, looking like they are a happy person… or what ever vibe they want to portray. Like, will attract like. You will be judged! 🙂 -
- A blurb about them that is current - don’t mention dates as they are out of date quick smart. (award in 2014)
- Show off their Area of Expertise (and remember to have some fun) - A booking link to book with that individual stylist or therapist. - Go the extra mile, add a link to their social pages or a blog or video blog about them.
- A booking link to book with that individual stylist or therapist. - Go the extra mile, add a link to their social pages or a blog or video blog about them.
(and remember to have some fun with it all)
Meet the ‘Know, Like and Trust’ Factor
This is so important for any business especially hair and beauty and double especially within it’s online presence because we can’t meet people face to face first, we must build this trust into our website.
It’s all the more important for the hair and beauty industry, as we’re working with people on such a personal level. Remember, we follow brands but we do business with people
People do business with the people they know, like and trust.
Know, Like & Trust
How do we do this online on our website:
- Start a blog
- Writing not your thang, start a VLOG
- Share stories of clients - before & after transformations (not just an after shot) - If you like to share your stories on your social pages - make sure there are links to your website everywhere (including being able to book online from your social pages)
- Take some of your best posts and stories and get them on your website too
- When your website tells a story and potential clients can get to know you, price is less of a barrier and focus.
If you like to share your stories on your social pages - make sure there are links to your website everywhere (including being able to book online from your social pages). Take some of your best posts and stories and get them on your website too. When your website tells a story and potential clients can get to know you, price is less of a barrier and focus.
Let’s Talk about Pricing
Show your pricing, but keep it simple. I believe in showing your pricing, but keep it simple. Too much detail can turn people off and confuse and overwhelm. When you’re confused you loose.
Pricing just lets people know that you match their price budget & brand match. They want to know if you’re Maybelline - or more budget focused. Mid brand, a nice balance of quality and reasonable prices or are you top end, boutique, a brand name, high end service.
Leave the detail and extra add on's to the in-chair consultation. You can consult and match their needs from a price list on a webpage.
Your website tells a story and if potential clients can get to know you, price is less of a barrier and focus.
I hope this has been a helpful exercise. It’s worth doing from time to time as things always change in the online world just as fast as they do in your salon.
I’d love to hear from you! What did you find most interesting or useful? What changes are you planning to make on your website? Hola if you have any questions or need some guidance. Meanwhile grab the Client Attracting Website Checklist and do your own audit.
If you want to listen to the Podcast - Your Website is Losing you Clients - click here.