3 Critical Keys to Growing a Rockstar Team
Some Salon Owners that I see- are actually starting to think “I don’t want to grow”.
Maybe there’s an inability to find great staff and to fill empty chairs…and this is a real problem for growth.
Don’t get me wrong, there are some smart, savvy business owners whose businesses are growing rapidly. But there’s still this fear around getting ‘too big’ and not being able to sustain growth.
And I think that fear and frustration comes from worry.
“What if my team leave and decide to rent a chair somewhere else”
“What if one of my team leaves and decides to work from home… and they start to steal my other team members.!”
This is a real fear, especially in this changing environment, as a new generation of people come through… who want to work the way that they want to work and don’t want to work within boundaries.
So I want to talk about the three critical things that you need to establish inside of your business, in order for you to be able to grow the business of your dreams.
Creating Healthy Boundaries: Ditch the Addiction!
Are you addicted to being busy?
When you’re deep in a pit of overwhelm, and it’s been that way for longer than you actually realise… Then it might be time to take a step back and truly ask yourself this question.
I see so many Salon Owners with these HUGE to-do lists, with lots of people relying on them and who are really still stuck in the day to day operations of their business. And don’t get me wrong… i’ve been there!
But what I realise now, is that I didn’t want to let those things go. I wanted my team to still rely on me a bit, or to be ‘needed’… because it can be addicting! But trust me, it’s not what’s best in the long run…
Today I’m joined by Dawn Bradley. We’re going to chat all about How to create healthy boundaries in a business and What to do when people try to push boundaries… plus how to let go of that desire to be ‘needed’.
The 1 Thing You Should Know When Making Salon Decisions
Being a Salon Owner can be a rollercoaster of emotions.
Especially when you feel like your Salon is your baby… it can be so easy to become super attached to everything in your business….
But sometimes, I think it’s important for Salon Owners to remember that they need to separate themselves from their business and make decisions based on data and facts, rather than emotions.
I know that this can feel tricky and scary, and that it can be hard to detach yourself…
But if you want to grow a successful Salon business, then it really is a must.
Studying my numbers and allowing that data to guide me was 100% one of the best habits I formed, when I owned my Salon – and you can do it to!
That’s why in this episode, I’ve brought in Andrea Jenson to join me.
We’ll chat about all things numbers, profit and finance… Learn from the best and really take this advice and implement it into your own business.
The 3 Steps to Better Wealth
So many people are scared of Money.
And if that resonates, don’t worry- I totally get it. The topic of Money can feel like this overwhelming thing that looms over you 24/7… something inescapable that people try so desperately to ignore for as long as possible!
I’m here to say – it’s time for Salon Owners to remove their heads from the sand when it comes to money!
I see so many Salon Owners every day who are struggling when it comes to making money and profit- but it doesn’t have to be that hard!
Did you know, there are 3 simple steps all Salon Owners should take to be more efficient with their money?
In this episode, my guest is Caleb, the founder of Better Wealth.
We will reveal to you those 3 simple steps towards being more efficient and controlling money today, while maximizing future wealth potential
This is a super insightful episode, can’t wait for you to hear it!
A Year in Review: Lessons Learned in 2020
Let’s take a moment to reflect.
As we step into 2021, a new year filled with new possibilities… we first must look back on the year that’s passed, in order to look forward into 2021.
To make the best of 2021 you must become someone different than you’ve been in 2020.
If you do the same as you did last year, nothing will change- everything will stay the same. Lunacy is doing the same as you’ve done before, and expecting a different result.
Let’s work toward bringing out your best & becoming a real salon CEO in 2021, instead of just having another year of ‘average’!
I want to dive into some big lessons from 2020… look back on the year that’s gone so that we can have a clear head moving into 2021. Then we can truly focus on Mastering your inner Salon CEO for the year ahead.