Posts by Larissa Macleman
Should You Create Your Own Product Line?
“I’m addicted to the chaos of being a stylist”
Have you ever felt like that before? Where you thrive off the chaos in a Salon… especially around Christmas! You know, the back to back clients, squeezy appointments, the excitement when you smash your targets and just the overall buzz that happens in December.
Are You Ready for the Rise of AI in Salons?
I can’t go on holiday… what if someone is sick? Or a client complains? And what will my team do if a pipe bursts?!
The thought of leaving your team can be super stressful and that’s before you’ve even booked any flights! But sometimes, a holiday away from your team is actually the best thing you can do for your business.
Is the Hair and Beauty Industry Going Downhill?
2025 Will Make or Break Your Salon
It’s time to get on the Fast-Track…
2025 is bringing a big change to our industry! If you don’t get on board and adopt new technology, have a clear vision and act with precision then you will be left behind. The gap between Salon’s that are struggling and Salon’s that are thriving on the Fast-Track will get bigger.
Why You Need to Take Time Off Right Now!
I know how you feel, you’ve been grinding non-stop all year… even more so in December!
But now, you’re exhausted and there’s still 285762 things left for you to do before the New Year! You need to deep clean the Salon, order stock, think of a killer offer to get clients booked into January, plan your goals for 2025 AND then you still need to wear all the hats at home of a mother, wife, sister and friend!