How to Truly Build Your Salon Dream Team

Are you tired of the constant turnover and the exhaust & expense of having to find and train new employees… only to have them leave a year later, if that?  In this episode, I’m talking all about “team” and how to build one full of rockstar stylists who will not only be with you for…

How to Increase Your Salon’s Retail Sales

It’s a delicate balance: You want to increase your Salon or Spa’s retail sales… but you don’t want to be too pushy or sound too ‘salesy’ to your clients. You want your team to push retail sales, but they struggle with what to say and what to sell…  I know the struggle. Sometimes it feels…

An Honest Chat with Adam Ciaccia

Even though so many Salons right now are still either closed or working minimised hours… There is more conversation going on within the Hair & Beauty Industry itself… than ever! With so many different opinions flying around, and some controversy surrounding the times we’re facing right now… the one thing that’s for sure is that…

Social Media: Why “Perfection” Is Overrated

Do you ever feel the pressure to be ‘perfect’ on Social Media? You want to present yourself, your team & your Salon or Spa Brand in the most professional, polished way possible… In fact, you’re often so worried about being perfect that you struggle to ‘show up’ on Social Media at all! Newsflash: perfection is…

The Top 5 Books Every Business Owner Needs to Read

As Creative Entrepreneurs, we are often looking for ways to better ourselves & our business. We are independent by nature but love looking to others for inspiration & advice. Wouldn’t you agree?! I have been making this podcast for 3 years now, and over the course of that 3 years, I’ve had a lot of…