If You’re Not on Google, You Don’t Exist
There are so many opportunities on Google to really expand the reach of our business, up our digital marketing game and truly take things to the next level…
That’s why I invited Tara Pollman to join me in this episode. Tara is a Website Developer and SEO Marketer, and today we’re going to chat all things google.
People are searching for services that you provide every day…so you need to ensure they find YOU – not the other salon down the road.
What You Need to Know Before Expanding Your Business
Start Paying Attention to This Now- Before It’s Too Late!
Should I Open Another Salon?
I know the thrill of growing your business and having a clear purpose in life… it’s a real thing, and I know because it was definitely part of my own journey.
That’s why in this episode of the Podcast, I want to share my journey with you. Specifically, my journey with opening a second Salon.
I definitely have a pretty strong opinion on this topic, based on my own experiences. If this is something you’ve ever considered, I highly recommend you tuning in…