The Secret Ingredients to Running A Successful Salon

The vision of running your own Salon is exciting … to begin with.

You get to be the leader and do things your way instead of coming under someone else’s authority. Sounds like the dream, right?

But as you know, the reality of this has its challenges.

It’s all good and well having a vision but actually making it happen takes skill and steps to get there.

Being a salon owner requires a whole new level of expertise… from managing a team, to increasing profit, not to mention being a marketer, salesperson, cleaning lady, counsellor… OMG, it can be overwhelming.

Luckily, there are certain things you can do to not only claim this role with confidence, but to actually see your salon grow at the same time.

That’s why today I’m chatting with beauty salon owner, Sophie Anquetil, to seek her insights on what it takes from you to make your salon successful while juggling ‘all the things’.

Having owned her salon for 12 years and working closely with me through my Salon Mastery Coaching Program, she has learned many valuable tips along the way.

Protect Your Salon When She Says “I’m Leaving”

There are a few questions that I often get asked in my work with Salon Owners…

But without a doubt, one of the most common, and most stressed questions sounds like this:
“My team member is leaving… and they’re opening a Salon down the road! HELP!”

OMG… I get the pain, this is a seriously stressful situation.

And there are actually quite a few problems like this that crop up for Salon Owners… like, i’m sure as you read this you can picture a time when a similar stressful situation has happened to you.

I think the smartest way to deal with these types of fireballs is to future proof your business. Know your rights, legally, and make sure you’re protected where possible, by law, against any future problems.

That’s why, today, I wanted to bring onto this episode Cory Sterling. Through his business Conscious Counsel, Cory provides legal counsel for business owners in the health and wellness space.

Tune in today to learn how to protect your business, and yourself by utilising legal practices.

Breaking the Stigma Around Home Hair Colour…

I’m kind of scared to say this, because I know it’s something that makes a lot of Salon Owner’s eyes roll…

That’s right, today we’re talking about home hair colour.

And I know you might be thinking, “But Larissa, you used to be a hairdresser, why are you talking about home hair colour!?” OK, let me explain…

The stigma around home hair colour is something that’s circulated our industry for years… like, I get it. Why do your hair at home when you can come in and be pampered in my amazing salon… right?!


But did you know that only 20% of people actually go to Salons? There’s a reason why supermarket haircare brands are so successful… and so I think it’s time we tapped into this market a little more, and started breaking the stigma around home hair colour.

Why miss out on that 80% of clients when there’s a way home hair colour can be done WELL… with a proper consultation from a qualified hairdresser and everything. 

That’s why today I’m chatting to Karen Anne from Della Ricca Hair Colour. Della Ricca Hair Colour is an at home colour company done RIGHT. This is sure to change your opinion on this topic, I just know it…

How to Employ People… For Free?

As a Salon Owner, do you often struggle to keep your wage bill down?

I know this can be tricky for many business owners… there’s a constant tug of war between wanting to grow and hire new team members, but also wanting to avoid blowing the budget on wage costs!

Did you know: you can employ people for free?
If you can get team members income generating in your business FAST… they can cover their own wage and make themselves FREE!

I know, I know, you’re probably asking “how the heck can I do that?!”

This is exactly what you’ll find out in this episode! Discover how to get your team members income-generating FAST… like, yesterday!

Luckily, I’ve brought in my Salon Owners Collective Coach Eloise to spill all the juicy details… Let’s dive in.

Putting Yourself Out There to Achieve Salon Success

Being a Salon Owner can feel scary at times!

It can feel like there’s no one there to guide you when things are uncertain…. or even to celebrate you when things go right!

Salon Owners are often afflicted with this feeling of loneliness or anxiety… we feel alone in business and like there’s no one around us who understands!

That’s why I wanted to bring ultra-successful Salon Owner Kate Henderson on my Podcast today, so that we could chat about all things Salon Owner Success.

In this episode, Kate will share her success tips and why it’s important to put yourself out there in order to truly get that feeling of recognition you deserve.