How to Make 2022 Your Best Salon Year Yet

2022 is here and I am sure you are ready to put 2021 in the past and embrace the fresh start of a new year (I know I am!).
I remember when I was in your shoes, running my own salon business back in 2010. I was planning ahead for my salon’s 2020 vision – which at the time was 10 years away! I pictured flying cars, maybe even intergalactic travel…
Oh, how differently did these last couple of years turn out?!
We could never have predicted the last few years we have all had. With the ongoing disruption of Covid-19, lockdowns, vaccinations, and your Salon opening and closing, it’s been hard to think, let alone plan anything too far ahead.
I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re coming out of 2021 feeling overwhelmed and defeated, especially as Covid continues to lurk in the background. But if you don’t plan and create goals to support your salon dreams, you could be missing out on some incredible opportunities that will change your life.
We have the power to move forward with intent, by actioning what we’ve learned and design our year ahead…and the rest of our lives!
Let’s use the fresh start that 2022 is giving us, and run with it. Be the person that actually decides to go for it.
Are you ready to join me to level up and master your Salon AND your life in 2022?
First, you’ll need to download the 2022 Salon Annual Planner that accompanies this Blog. I’ve created the planner so you can get clear on your vision for the year ahead and kickstart your 2022 with a bang! – It’s free & will help you get the most out this year: Click here to download your copy.
Let’s get started! Here are the five steps you need to take, in order to level up in 2022…
#1 You have to look back to move forward
Many of us take action without planning ahead – I know this because I used to be one of these people! But over time I’ve learned that this often results in added stress and overwhelm… because we’re unprepared for the changes growth can bring.
As Benjamin Franklin once said: “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.
It is important to pause and take the time to get clear and plan ahead for success so you know exactly what to do next. It’s all a part of the dream-achieving process. By planning ahead, you become proactive and foresee potential issues or roadblocks that may come your way, and therefore are able to either avoid them… or face them confidently.
So how do we start planning ahead for 2022? The first step might actually surprise you… it’s actually to look back.
Turn your focus to HOW you’ve dealt with all the things that have been going on in 2021 (and probably 2020 as well) – the good and the not-so-good. You must look back with intent, to discover how far you’ve come and realise the lessons you’ve learned. This will give you the confidence to take your salon into bigger and different places than you’ve ever imagined before.
Activity: Fill in the boxes on your Salon Annual Planner to reflect on the past year (Page 3).
#2 What got you ‘here’ won’t get you ‘there’
When planning ahead for your salon, it can be easy to fall into habits and actions which are comfortable and known to you.
Yes, maybe these have been successful in the past, but that doesn’t guarantee your success in the future. It’s time to step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself.
Why? One of the biggest mistakes Salon Owners make is trying to use the same strategies that have worked in the past, to get them where they want to go in the future. Things are different from how they were 6 months, 2 years, 5 years ago… so you must treat them as such…especially in the climate we now live in.
As your business grows, you should be focussing on different things at different times and implementing strategies that will help you to grow and take your Salon to the next level.
It’s as simple as knowing where you’re at in your business, and where you want to be.
Think about the size of your salon in terms of your team, clients, income, and how long you’ve been in business. This will help you determine your next steps and how to achieve them.
Don’t worry about your neighbouring salon or what the one with the aesthetically pleasing social media is doing – what matters is knowing where you are on your own business journey and working on the right things at the right time.
If you’re unsure if you’re focusing on the wrong things right now, ask yourself…
Am I feeling overwhelmed?
Has the momentum of my salon’s growth stopped?
Have I hit a growth ceiling and am unable to move past a certain stage?
Does it feel like I’m taking two steps forward and one step backward?
If you answered yes to any of these, then yes, you could be focusing on the wrong things.
In my Salon Annual Planner, I’ve made you a simple chart so you can track the growth and scale of your business, making it easy to see exactly where you’re at and what you should be working on in 2022.
Activity: Tick the Box in your Salon Annual Planner that most applies to your current stage of business (Page 4).
#3 Get Shite Done in 2022 – Ditch the Overwhelm
I love planning out my future because it reminds me that I am in control of writing my own storybook.
As we know, time is crucial when it comes to getting things done. In order to fully step into your role as CEO, you need to get off the floor. You can’t grow your business while serving clients 40-50 hours a week. Time needs to be created for you to work on your business, otherwise, nothing will change.
If you’re serving your clients, who is running your business?
Don’t worry if you aren’t there yet, this can be a gradual process. But you have to dedicate time to act as your salon’s CEO.
If this feels like a huge leap from where you are now, that’s okay. Remember you have to be true to where you are in your journey and start from there.
If 2022 is going to be different, you need to be different.
Here are four things to think about to ensure you don’t get overwhelmed but stay focused on leveling up your business…
- Create a plan
- Work smarter, not harder
- Do things that work and let go of what doesn’t
- Create space and time for creativity
Activity: Fill in the box on your Salon Annual Planner with your 6 Big Rocks of 2022 (Page 6). Now break that down into the actions you need to complete
#4 Become the Salon CEO
It’s time to decide that 2022 will be different. Are you ready to make the decision to become the Salon CEO you have always wanted to be?
As your business grows and moves through the different stages, you get better at your job as a CEO, and your priorities shift.
It is possible to balance your business life with your personal life, it’s just a matter of learning how.
For me, I’ve decided that I am dedicating this year to helping 25 Salon Owners (like yourself) step into their roles as the Salon CEO. I do this because I know that it is one of the most important transitions they’ll make in taking their business from just surviving with overwhelm, to thriving with clarity!
The first step is deciding that you’re going to go for it in 2022. You have to make a conscious decision that you will not settle for anything less than growth, evolution, and success.
Simplify your role by leaving behind the mindsets of a stylist, therapist, or manager, and really get clear on what it means to be the CEO of your salon.
Ask yourself these two questions…
- What did you get into business for?
- Why are you here?
It is easy to lose sight of what we’re working towards. So get clear on your vision and master your inner CEO. Here are my top three non-negotiables that will help you step into this role…
Your Income: Set a clear goal of what you will earn and don’t compromise on it. You deserve to be paid for what you’re putting into your business.
Your Hours: Set your boundaries so that you can achieve your goals AND enjoy your life. Replace burnout and overwhelm with rest and recuperation – two things vital for success!
Your Leave: For you to be away, you have to have systems in place so your business can continue to run smoothly while you’re gone. Commit to taking leave to ensure these systems are efficient, and to enjoy the life you’ve worked hard for.
Activity: Fill out below your non-negotiables for 2022 in your Salon Annual Planner (Page 7).
#5 Make it Happen & Get Some Help
If you’re anything like me, you’ll need accountability and guidance to achieve your goals, dreams, and desires.
I share my key steps to achieving accountability in the Salon Annual Planner, to help simplify the process and provide actionable strategies to help you achieve your goals.
Make yourself accountable by setting reminders EVERYWHERE! Ditch the 1/4ly planning, and replace them with a check-in every 2 months to keep on top of your goals and your progress.
Share your goals with your team and the important people in your life. It takes a village to raise a business, so make sure everyone knows what you’ve committed to so they can support you along the way.
Business is lonely enough, so get some help from others who are at different stages of the journey: way ahead, a few steps ahead, and those that are right there with you!
Activity: Write in the boxes on your Salon Annual Planner what you will do to make it happen (Page 8).
This is YOUR year to level up. Become the CEO you know is inside of you. It’s time to really kick off 2022 and absolutely smash the year ahead.
And if you’re ready to get some help with putting these plans into place, then let’s chat.
I’m looking to work with 3 Salon Owners who want to Level Up their Salon Business in 2022… I’m talking about Salon Owners who want to actually be the ones who ‘go for it’ in 2022, and not just have another year of ‘average’.
If you’re interested in finding out more, just click here, and we can chat.