How to Rid Your Salon of Toxic Team Members

I want to talk about how to rid yourself of toxic team members. 

Especially as we enter a new year, we have this opportunity to turn the page and start a new chapter, write our own endings. 

And sometimes we need to face up to some of the challenges that we have, that are stopping us from our growth and being the best that we possibly can. 

I really want to talk about this problem, because as I started to look back throughout 2020, this one came up a lot- challenging team members that are keeping us awake, team members that are ultimately destroying the Salon culture, and eroding trust within the team relationships. Actually, if we’re not careful, it also affects our client retention, and even team retention.

It’s an issue mostly because one, we don’t recognise it. 

And two, we don’t quite know what to do about it.

 It’s one of those hard conversations that we had to have to have with ourselves to face up and deal with those challenging people.

So, let’s dive into this episode and I’ll share my opinions on the matter.

Hangry Hairdressers at Christmas Time?!

The Salon Christmas Cray-Cray… are you feeling it yet?!

Even when I was off the floor, I still felt the stress and the strain of the crazy season. I’m sure you can relate…there are those two or three weeks in the lead up to Christmas where:

Every man and his dog wants to come and have their hair & beauty services done!

… and fair enough to them! But I remember going to my mum’s house for Christmas Day, and I would be having a wee nap on the couch. You know, I was so exhausted by the Christmas craziness. And it was completely anti-social.

It shouldn’t be like that, right?

So I learned the hard way to finally take some care of myself. And in fact, by the time I was not on the floor, I really made sure that I was there to support the girls. And make sure that it wasn’t quite as crazy for them.

So anyway, I wanted to share with you some things to do to make sure that your silly season is not super silly…

Why The Strength of Your Team Comes Down to You

Do you sometimes feel like your team is disjointed, like you have this idea of what your perfect team looks like, and the reality is far from it… There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t have a conversation about TEAM with a Salon Owner. Most of these conversations involve team problems, dramas…