What To Do When Team Members Leave- 3 Step Plan
When team members leave you, it can feel like you’ve been betrayed…
Like… “How dare they?!”… right? I totally understand that feeling of rejection when one of your team leaves, especially when they move to another Salon down the road!
We all want our staff members to be as invested in our Salon Business as we are… and we can easily forget that sometimes this just isn’t the reality.
Should we expect our team to be as invested in us?
I have a few opinions on this… plus an action plan that i’ve put together all around what to do when a team member leaves.
We must stand up and take action – get what’s ours, make ends meet, grow our business and get on with life…
Defying the Odds: Opening a Salon Via Zoom?!
Did you know: it is possible for a Salon business to excel in the current climate?!
I get it, this may sound crazy to some. Covid-19 has affected so many businesses in this industry in so many ways, most of which have been negative.
But when I tell you that I know someone who has defied all odds with her story, I’m not exaggerating!
Meet Haylee Benton. Haylee is a 3x Salon Owner and ‘serial entrepreneur’ who has a mass of achievements under her belt…
But what we are going to focus on today, is opening her new Salon in Palmerston North, New Zealand- while Haylee was all the way over in the UK! That’s right, she opened a Salon via zoom.
Haylee will share her expert advice on how to start and run a successful salon business, including forming an excellent team culture, a plan for growth, and how to ensure things run perfectly when you aren’t actually ‘there’ in-salon.
3 Critical Keys to Growing a Rockstar Team
Some Salon Owners that I see- are actually starting to think “I don’t want to grow”.
Maybe there’s an inability to find great staff and to fill empty chairs…and this is a real problem for growth.
Don’t get me wrong, there are some smart, savvy business owners whose businesses are growing rapidly. But there’s still this fear around getting ‘too big’ and not being able to sustain growth.
And I think that fear and frustration comes from worry.
“What if my team leave and decide to rent a chair somewhere else”
“What if one of my team leaves and decides to work from home… and they start to steal my other team members.!”
This is a real fear, especially in this changing environment, as a new generation of people come through… who want to work the way that they want to work and don’t want to work within boundaries.
So I want to talk about the three critical things that you need to establish inside of your business, in order for you to be able to grow the business of your dreams.
Leading Your Team to Success, and More Advice
Do you ever feel like it’s a struggle to handle team dynamics in your Salon?
You’re trying to do ‘all the things’ and wear ‘all the hats’… and when leading a team gets thrown into the mix, it all starts to feel a little overwhelming…
I totally get that!
In this industry, we are constantly managing humans… whether that’s our clients, or our staff members. And when we’re trying to run a successful business on top of that, it’s important we be a #bestboss and lead our team effectively.
That’s why today, I’ve brought in guest Sandy Chong. Sandy is the CEO of the AHC and a veteran Salon Owner.
Today, we’ll chat all things leading a team, and how to juggle the multiple hats you’re no doubt wearing as a busy Salon Owner.
Tune in today to hear all of Sandy’s gold nugget pieces of advice…I know you’ll love this one.
What You Could Be Doing Wrong When Looking For Staff
Throughout my 36+ years working in the hair and beauty industry, there is 1 challenge so large that it is still affecting Salon Owners to this day.
Can you guess what it is?
I’m sure you probably guessed it…
It’s an issue so prominent and internationally widespread, and something I help Salon Owners with almost daily.
That challenge is, finding staff.
In this industry, if you really think about it, we actually sell time with humans. And those humans need to be experts!
But what are we meant to do when it feels like no one is even interested in joining our team, right?!
Right. But luckily, there is actually something you can do about it. Something big, that will change your whole approach to the recruitment process.
In this episode, my guest Eloise Manning will share what that thing is, plus an abundance of other advice around finding & hiring new team members.Be sure to tune in… you won’t want to miss this one.