2 Hacks to Leading a Growing Team

Growing your Salon: it’s challenging. Can you relate?

Things are forever evolving in Salons; Owners have to constantly adapt systems and processes. Just like any evolution, things start to break. Perhaps what worked before, no longer will. Adapting is not always easy, but it does teach us fundamental lessons in return. Lessons, which I believe, are key to any successful Salon growth. 

If you’re anything like I was, you never feel like your Salon is ‘complete’, always striving for improvement – and that’s great! Improving, however, means things can’t stay the same. There have to be constant shifts from ‘norm’ to ‘new’.

Here at Salon Owners Collective, we could not relate more to this. That’s why I’ve decided to bring in one of my very own –  team leader and operations manager, Suzy.

Having been with us for over 3 years now, she’s witnessed and learned so many valuable lessons while helping grow the business to where it is today.

She’s chosen to share her two biggest lessons around team management which I know any Salon Owner will find helpful. 

How To: Achieve your Dream Salon!

Let’s face it, being a Salon Owner is challenging at times. It’s not something you instantly know how to master, it takes a lot of learning and adjusting along the way.

There are so many things to nail when it comes to running a Salon, from the team to the clients and sales. 

So wouldn’t it be nice to have some simple yet effective advice from someone who’s tackled these aspects themself?

Well today I’m chatting with Mhairi McQueen. Mhairi is a member of my Salon Mastery Coaching Program, and has been in the industry for over 20 years and owned her own Salon for 5 of them.

Having seen amazing results in her salon, she’s filled with many tips on how to achieve them. How amazing that she’s chosen to share them with us!

Let’s tune in and see what advice she has in store for us…

Your Guide to the Ultimate Salon Takeover!

I’m sure at one point or another, you’ve thought about expanding your Salon business, but have you ever thought about taking over a Salon that already exists? 

This may sound scary, after all being the new face to a Salon environment and not knowing what to expect isn’t something we particularly like.

Even if you are the leader, you still feel the pressure of making a good impression…

In order for people to cooperate, they need to trust and respect their leader.

There are so many important factors to consider when purchasing a Salon, but I think one of the most important ones is your team.

In order to lead them well, you need to understand who they are.

The reality is, the Salon team is already established and you are walking in expecting them to follow your lead. 

So how do you take over a team the right way? Well, today I’m chatting with Vivo founders James & Lynden who have done this. Owning over 90 successful Salons across New Zealand, they share their insights into what it takes to do so. 

So let’s tune in to hear what they have to say… 

How to Employ People… For Free?

As a Salon Owner, do you often struggle to keep your wage bill down?

I know this can be tricky for many business owners… there’s a constant tug of war between wanting to grow and hire new team members, but also wanting to avoid blowing the budget on wage costs!

Did you know: you can employ people for free?
If you can get team members income generating in your business FAST… they can cover their own wage and make themselves FREE!

I know, I know, you’re probably asking “how the heck can I do that?!”

This is exactly what you’ll find out in this episode! Discover how to get your team members income-generating FAST… like, yesterday!

Luckily, I’ve brought in my Salon Owners Collective Coach Eloise to spill all the juicy details… Let’s dive in.

Putting Yourself Out There to Achieve Salon Success

Being a Salon Owner can feel scary at times!

It can feel like there’s no one there to guide you when things are uncertain…. or even to celebrate you when things go right!

Salon Owners are often afflicted with this feeling of loneliness or anxiety… we feel alone in business and like there’s no one around us who understands!

That’s why I wanted to bring ultra-successful Salon Owner Kate Henderson on my Podcast today, so that we could chat about all things Salon Owner Success.

In this episode, Kate will share her success tips and why it’s important to put yourself out there in order to truly get that feeling of recognition you deserve.