7 Crucial Activities to Move the Needle in Lockdown
Are you currently in lockdown?
So many salon owners that I know have had to either cut back hours or even worse- close their salons. What I’ve realised, during this difficult time, is that we need to try our very hardest to make the best out of the ‘worst’.
We have been forced to take a step back from working ‘in’ our businesses, which I see as a crucial opportunity to work ‘on’ your business instead.
Fill your days, where you can, with productive activities that will continue to move the needle in your business, even if you can’t actually have the doors open for trading.
Because as a salon owner, it’s your job to keep things moving forward in your business and try as hard as you can to keep things running smoothly (while chaos ensues around the world!)
In this episode, I’m going to share with you the top 7 things you should be working on right now, behind the scenes, to really focus on doing the things you CAN do during this time… rather than those you cannot.
Conquering the Fear of Becoming a ‘Salon CEO’
If you’re anything like me, then it will have been your passion for hairdressing that inspired you to open your own Salon.
You went from your Apprenticeship, to working in a Salon as a stylist, to owning your own Salon.
Now, you suddenly have all of these business responsibilities, with no formal business training! Even though you own your own business, the thought of being a “Salon CEO” is a little scary, because that feels like a whole other ball game.
It’s so easy to question yourself- Do I have what it takes? How will I know what to do? Will I enjoy this role?
I get it. But what if I told you that it is possible to make the transition from owner/operator to Salon CEO successfully… even if you feel like you can’t (to begin with)?
In this episode, I’m chatting with Abbie Tong. After owning her salon So You Hairdressing for 6.5 years, Abbie successfully made the transition off the floor in order to become the CEO of her salon. She will share how she reached success after the difficult journey she faced, and how you can too.
Salon Ownership: Dreams vs Reality
The reality of running a salon: is it what you originally envisioned?
It was always a dream of yours to own a Salon, but now that you have achieved this, the reality is that things aren’t always perfect! Relate?
I know how it can feel. You’re so close to living that ideal life you always dreamt of,
but everyday dramas just keep cropping up and getting in the way! All of a sudden, the dream feels further and further away.
In this episode, I’m chatting with someone who knows this feeling all too well. Having faced a house fire, brand new babies to juggle, team walkouts, and hiring troubles, Mia De Vries has experienced the reality of owning a Salon, and just how far from the ‘dream’ it can sometimes feel…
After owning her salon for 16 years, Mia then founded an online education business called The Secret Fox.
Listen in now as Mia shares how she led her Salon to success, got her dream life back on track… and most importantly, how you can do the same.
Suite Rental Salons vs. Team-Based Salons
It’s no secret that suite rental salons are becoming more and more popular. As a Salon Owner, you probably already know this.
Now, I know it may appeal to many, but is it more beneficial than having your own team?
This is something I get asked a lot by Salon Owners… it’s confusing to know which option is right for your Salon!
So, I wanted to chat with someone who could shed light on this question and give their honest answer to it, to help Salon Owners know if ditching team-based Salons is the right choice.
Jason Everett currently runs the ‘High-Performance Salon Academy’ in America, where he works with many Salon and Beauty companies across the world.
In this episode, Jason will share with you his amazing insight on what works, and what doesn’t in both salon suites and team-based salons, so you can feel confident in which option is best.
How to Get a Winning Team Culture- Once and for All
Do you ever feel like you constantly want MORE for your Salon?
Whether it’s team growth, self-mastery as a CEO, or more sales….
I’m pretty sure every Salon Owner knows this feeling!
But achieving these things sometimes feels impossible. Especially if you don’t know the right steps to take in order to actually achieve them.
Even with all of the external advice out there these days, it’s still hard to know who to trust and if any of it will actually work… believe me, I know this feeling well.
So I took myself back and remembered what I really needed when I was a Salon Owner… and then it hit me!
I needed someone to show me what was possible… and I mean really possible, for my business, and for me as a Salon Owner.
Someone who had walked the unknown road ahead of me, and been successful…
In this episode, I wanted to do the same for you. That’s why I’ve invited Skye, from my Salon Mastery Program, to chat with me.
Skye has owned her Salon for 10 years and has grown the business into a huge success, so now she’s going to show you how she did it (so that you can do the same!)