How to Master Your Inner Salon CEO- Part 2

Are you ready to step up into becoming a real CEO of your business?

Maybe you’ve had a year of feeling stuck, or like nothing that you try is really working.

We’re into a new year now, and you’re tired of feeling overwhelmed with all the things. 

But what if you could make 2021 a breakthrough year…  rather than just having another year of ‘average’?

Something needs to change! It’s time to start doing less, achieving more and moving faster.

The magic is in the doing… so it’s time to get started.

Join me in the final part of my 2-part Podcast miniseries- all about Mastering Your Inner Salon CEO

A Year in Review: Lessons Learned in 2020

Let’s take a moment to reflect.

As we step into 2021, a new year filled with new possibilities… we first must look back on the year that’s passed, in order to look forward into 2021.

To make the best of 2021 you must become someone different than you’ve been in 2020.

If you do the same as you did last year, nothing will change- everything will stay the same. Lunacy is doing the same as you’ve done before, and expecting a different result.

Let’s work toward bringing out your best & becoming a real salon CEO in 2021, instead of just having another year of ‘average’!

I want to dive into some big lessons from 2020… look back on the year that’s gone so that we can have a clear head moving into 2021. Then we can truly focus on Mastering your inner Salon CEO for the year ahead.

Level Up in 2021- Part 3

I love planning out my future because it reminds me that I am in control of writing my own story book. 

Ultimately, we are the only ones who get to decide what happens in our lives and in our businesses, but what that takes is planning and dedication.

You have to dedicate time to act as your salon’s CEO.

If being a ‘CEO’ feels like a huge leap from where you are now, that’s okay. Remember you have to be true to where you are in your journey and start from there. 

If 2021 is going to be different, you need to be different.

It’s time to make shite happen! Let’s dive into this episode…

Level Up in 2021- Part 2

It’s time to decide that 2021 will be different. 

Are you ready to make the decision to become the Salon CEO you want to be?

As your business grows and moves through the different stages, you get better at your job as a CEO and your priorities shift. It is possible to balance your business life with your personal life, it’s just a matter of learning how. 

The first step is deciding that you’re going to go for it in 2021. You have to make a conscious decision that you will not settle for anything less than growth, evolution and success.

Simplify your role by leaving behind the mindsets of a stylist, therapist, or manager, and really get clear on what it means to be the CEO of your salon.

Ask yourself these two questions…

What did you get into business for?
Why are you here?

It is easy to lose sight of what we’re working towards… So get clear on your vision and master your inner CEO. 

Level Up in 2021- Part 1

If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that we can’t always rely on things going to plan.

At the end of the day, we can only rely on ourselves and what we know to truly shape our lives into what we dream of.

Sometimes, we need to take matters into our own hands, write our own story and give ourselves a fresh start… 

Really utilise the opportunity that is 2021, to turn over a new page and truly step up to ensure your business is thriving and not just surviving in the new year. Because remember: What got you here won’t get you there. You can’t rely on what you already know to get you where you want to go. 

That’s why i’m bringing you my brand new Podcast mini-series… 3 insightful episodes jam-packed full of new ideas, inspiration and momentum to push you into the New Year and beyond.

2021 is the year to #levelup your business, so let’s get started.