Building a $1M Hair Salon with Michelle Marsh

Fate can be a funny thing, right?
You’re dreaming of building your own $1M Hair Salon, and the next you’ve made it happen! All of a sudden there becomes a whole new set of responsibilities. Some, expected (like hiring, firing, marketing, you know… ‘all the things'). Others, perhaps, you weren’t so prepared for, (the team dramas, covid, recessions, industry staff shortages, struggles to maintain a healthy work/life balance…OH MY!)
No matter how profitable your business is, or how far you move up the success ladder, there are always a new set of challenges around the corner. And it changes with each stage of growth. Why? Because...
Growth breaks things!
If you’ve experienced this, then you’re not alone. Each new stage of business brings new challenges, you barely master things and it all changes. I see this happening, again and again, every time I meet a new Salon owner when they join me in my Salon Mastery Program. We’re all on the same journey, same, same but different!
I want to introduce you to one such amazing Salon Mastery Member, Michelle Marsh, who I first met on a trip to London in the 2000's when we both received a Global Salon Business Award. We’ve both grown, changed, and experienced the highs and lows of the Salon industry to the absolute fullest since then.
Not only does she have a vibrant team of 13 is she is absolutely #killingit (hello $1M Hair Salon) within our Salon Mastery Program, but she has also now almost doubled her weekly sales figures, in just less than 12 months!
Sounds like a dream!
Through business highs and lows, Michelle has nailed the secret to staying motivated when the going gets tough, as well as continuing to motivate and grow a rockstar team so their own careers are flourishing all whilst growing the salon sales week by week without her personally having to invest more time serving clients on the floor.
Let me set the scene for you; Michelle owns Surreal Hair & Beauty Salon in Christchurch, New Zealand. Over 10 years ago, Christchurch was hit by a devastating 5.9 magnitude earthquake that caused many businesses to have to totally reinvent themselves and start over. This was no different for Michelle, but that didn’t stop her from pursuing the big plans she had in place. An incredible journey to building a $1M Hair Salon.
Wake Up, Be a Badass & Repeat…
Michelle is the definition of a boss lady.
As soon as you meet her, you get a taste of Michelle’s no-nonsense (but super kind-hearted) approach to Salon growth. She is always putting her business, team, and Salon as her first priority. Before coming on board our Salon Mastery Program, Michelle was honest with herself. She knew her Salon was operating at about 80% but didn’t know how to move the needle to get it to a place where it could thrive and continue to grow…
Sometimes, as business owners, we are too invested and too close to our business to see the changes that need to be made. It’s like, we’re in our own goldfish bowl, we often can’t see things from the outside! This is exactly how Michelle felt. She felt like she had achieved so much throughout her 23 years of Salon ownership, and knew that if she wanted more, she was going to need some help to get her there.
Hunger for Success
When Michelle and I first met 17 years ago, at that Salon awards evening in London. Instantly, I knew her Salon Ownership journey would be one to watch... and so you can imagine my joy when 17 years later, our paths crossed again.
I will admit, that I have been keeping an eye on what she's been up to over these past years, and Michelle shared with me that she has followed my journey, too. Michelle's work ethic and hunger for success are stronger today than ever (but I'm not surprised!)
Now, with decades of business ownership under her belt, and a vibrant team of 13, Michelle has joined my Salon Mastery Program where she is continuing to grow ... dramatically.
Her team at Surreal Hair is lucky to work with a boss who is supportive of each of their careers, and by implementing The Salon Mastery Career RoadmapTM, Emerging Talent Smashing Sales StrategiesTM. Her team are certainly reaping the benefits! (did we mention nearly doubling her 'All salon Sales'? One of the rewards her team can earn as a part of Michelle's team is a branded BMW Mini... BRB while I apply for a job!
End Goal in Sight…
This boss lady has continued to impress us (and herself! #killingit ). Michelle’s Salon used to bring in an average of $13k a week, and has now almost doubled to $21k a week! Not only is she now a $1M Salon but her salon has grow by $400K. It really does go to show that anything is possible!
I know when I owned my own Salon, there was always something I was striving for, a specific ‘end goal’ I had in mind that would motivate me to achieve my next step. This is what inspired me to keep going!
What is your end goal? I recommend everyone have one. Is it building a $1M Hair Salon?
For Michelle, it’s to live happily in her own dream home, (which she has just finished building) have travelled around the globe, and live a life where everything is ticked off her bucket list.
This is what pushes Michelle each and every day to drive salon sales and grow her team's success. It’s the little things that she envisions for her future, that push her to achieve more. Do you have a vision of what your perfect future looks like too?
My Secret to Success
Actually, I want to let you in on a little secret. It is the number one thing that I believe is the key to success, it is the key to both mine & Michelle's...
Can you guess what it is?
Invest more time working ON your business and less time working IN your business. Make the time with your team a priority over time working on clients. Work with them to double their sales and thus double their income (and the salon doubles its revenue too)!
Pass on all your years of experience and knowledge, and support them to reach their targets, and their goals... ensure new up-and-coming talent become income generating quickly. (You don't have the time (or luxury) to have them behind the broom for years on end watching you) it's just not like that anymore.
Inspire the next generation…They are your ' tomorrow's business' ! And then enjoy in the fruit of their success. That’s it, that’s the secret right there!
I asked Michelle for some final words of wisdom, she wants you to know:
“If nothing changes, nothing changes.”
After taking that step and asking for help, Michelle has never looked back. The support of the Salon Mastery group and the advice she has received...
“has given [her] the clarity [she] needs to get her business under control”.
There’s always that sense of fear that comes with asking for help. Even if you know you need it, often you have to put your ego aside in order to take that first step. And then there are always worries about time investment or monetary investment. It can be a scary thing to take that risk!
We look forward to seeing the amazing results that Michelle continues to see from her success and work ethic!
I work with Salon Owners who…
- Have a team of 4-7 or more and are already smashing $7-8K a week... I help salon owners prepare and get to $19K - that's $1mill Salon
- Are more than ready to step up to becoming a real CEO of your business (rather than riding the rollercoaster and feeling held hostage to your team…
- Want to grow your team and a sustainable business that is not centred all around YOU.. so you can enjoy a little freedom along with your success
- Are willing to be open & coachable, to put the right strategic systems in your business, and take massive action now!
- In 60 days’ time from now, things can be completely different - you could be Is it building a $1m Hair Salon! A year from now, life & business could be better than you’d imagined.
If you want to have a chat, see If we’re a fit then click the "Chat with Me" button below!
Let's keep the convo going...
Come & chat with me in messenger... I'd love to get to know more about you & your Salon.