Success Is Not An Accident

Success is not usually an accident. It usually follows a formula. But before you even get to a formula, you need to be clear what you want to be successful at! Sure, we all want to be successful in business, of course, otherwise, why did we get into business in the first place. Success needs to be clearer on how it’s going to manifest itself, otherwise it wafts about aimlessly.
It seems to me that those that are hugely successful are successful at something quite specific. It’s clear from the outside what they are about, what they do and what they are awesome at. It can be harder than you think, from inside your own goldfish bowl to get clear on your purpose or narrow down to one specific set of expertise.
Every one of us has the ability to excel at something. It doesn't have to be a huge point of difference, simply your unique personal quality or passion that you want to share with the world. When you get clear on who you are, what you love and what you’re an expert at - Magical things start to happen.
Be the go-to-expert
Think about what's Important to you? What do you want to be known for? Where does your passion lie? Where your expert skills cross over with your passion - this becomes your purpose and usually with it, your area of expertise. Once you are clear about this - it becomes more simple to share a clear and succinct message to the world and attract the right types of clients and team into your business
Know-Like & Trust
We like to do business with people that we know, like and trust. We trust those that show us that they know what they are experts in their field and have confidence in their abilities. We trust what they’re sharing with us. The same applies for our clients - they want to know you, not only that you know what you’re talking about but that you can produce the results they’re looking for. They too want to go to someone they can get to know, like and trust.

Tell your story
Storytelling is the best way to show your ideal client that you are the go-to-expert that is right for them. But first get clear on your message. Yes, it’s about you being an expert but it’s also about your client… she only cares for you if you can solve HER problems. Will you be her vitamin or painkiller?
Are you going to dull the pain she has with her hair and fix all her beauty woohs. Bringing her out of her beauty disasters or are you the vitamin that will lift her up to the beauty she desires with your magical scissor-wand? Remember the story is about her - not you!
Weave and share your story, however,suits you best. I love to blog but it’s not for everyone. But the same principle applies. You can tell your story through vlog posts on Socials, Youtube and Facebook Live. Through images on Instagram or snapchat stories. It doesn't matter how you deliver your message or share your story, the point is that you don’t keep your talents a secret - People can’t do business with you if they don’t know where or why you exist.
Give’em a hook & get’em to book
I know for some of you, sales is a swear word. But what’s the point of all this if you don’t get booked and paid!? The simple fact is, people don’t want to have to work hard to do business with you. If they know, like and trust you already then it’s time.
We book restaurants, flights, hotels, we buy clothes and the weekly shopping online - why should doing business with the hairdresser or beauty therapist be any different? Don’t make them leave their device or social site and have to search hard to connect with you. Don't make them search for your phone number just to find you’re closed on a Monday. They’ll forget by tomorrow. Give’em a hook and then the link to book (online that is).
Success is not an accident, it’s a formula!