Your Guide to the Ultimate Salon Takeover!

I’m sure at one point or another, you’ve thought about expanding your Salon business, but have you ever thought about taking over a Salon that already exists?
This may sound scary, after all being the new face to a Salon environment and not knowing what to expect isn’t something we particularly like.
Even if you are the leader, you still feel the pressure of making a good impression…
In order for people to cooperate, they need to trust and respect their leader.
There are so many important factors to consider when purchasing a Salon, but I think one of the most important ones is your team.
In order to lead them well, you need to understand who they are.
The reality is, the Salon team is already established and you are walking in expecting them to follow your lead.
So how do you take over a team the right way? Well, today I’m chatting with Vivo founders James & Lynden who have done this. Owning over 90 successful Salons across New Zealand, they share their insights into what it takes to do so.
So let’s tune in to hear what they have to say…
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