The 1 Word That Changes Everything

There is 1 thing that over time truly grows and scales a business – it’s the only thing that really does.
Do you know what that 1 thing is?
As creative entrepreneurs, we are hardwired for change and new shiny objects – we are driven, adaptable and we love change and to create new exciting things.
Essentially, we know how to make shite happen when we need to, and it’s skills like these that make us great business owners.
But the thing is, that when we start to grow a business and scale a team and really drive forward, we have to step out of start-up and high creative energy phase. You know, the ‘just make it up as I go and see if it works’ phase.
I don’t know about you, but I love being in the ‘creative ideas’ phase. It’s my happy place.
But when we want to grow- properly grow, for the long haul- you need to adopt different strategies to actually survive and make it past ‘just out the gate’
And there’s this 1 thing that’s going to do that for you. Listen in to this episode to find out what it is.
CLICK HERE to gain free access to the Survive to Thrive HUB- your key to keeping your business alive during this time
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