The 1 Secret to Creating My Life of Freedom: Away From the Salon

What does freedom mean to you?
Is it being able to spend time away from your Salon, and with your family? Being able to come and go as you please without feeling guilty? To not have any financial stress about whether the Salon is making ends meet?
For me, freedom is a choice. It’s a choice to be able to create your dream life, to choose when you work, who you work with and what your family time is like. It can also be freedom of your mind, to be able to switch off from your business when you need to.
But the question remains: how do you create freedom when so much of the business relies on you?
In this episode, you’ll discover what freedom truly looks like for you, and I’ll share my secret to creating freedom as a Salon CEO…without feeling like everything will turn to sh*t without you there.
Tune in to uncover my done-for-you freedom-generating salon systems that you can use straight away and my step-by-step guide to implementing these with your team…
Ooh, by the way, this is actually an exclusive snapshot of my October Intensive. This was a 2-day workshop for all of the owners who are members of my salon mastery coaching program…Don’t tell!
Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:
- Done-for-you freedom generating Salon systems
- Step by step guide on how to implement systems within your Salon and team
- An exclusive snapshot of my 2-day Salon Mastery intensive
Inner Salon CEO Snapshot
CLICK HERE to get your hands on it
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