Salon Stories: Surviving the Ups and Downs of Business Ownership

When you own a business, it often feels like nobody else understands what it’s like.
Our friends might wonder why we don’t just get a ‘normal’ job and avoid all the hard work and staff drama.
Dealing with inconsistent employees, staff dramas, client complaints, and misbehaving teams can make us question ourselves, right?
We might think it’s hard to find good people, and we can easily start blaming ourselves… what are we doing wrong?
However, it’s a mistake to believe that having a great team and running a successful business will mean that dramas and horror stories don’t happen.
They’re simply part of the territory when employing humans.
But what you can do, is put simple strategies into place that will help you deal with team dramas when they come up, and minimise them going forward.
So… I wanted to change things up a bit for this episode and share some of my own Salon drama stories.
As someone who regularly coaches Salon Owners like you, offering support, advice, and proven strategies to improve their businesses, I’ve walked a mile in your shoes.
And let me tell you, those shoes have some stories—some hilarious, some horrifying.
Horror stories like these can happen to everyone at some point…
But what I will share are my solutions to minimise the horror stories!
Reasons why you should listen to the full episode:
- Hear my horror stories from my Salon days and the lessons learned
- My key strategies for dealing with Team Dramas (the expected & unexpected)
Salon Business Plan
CLICK HERE to grab a copy of our Business Plan
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I’d like to chat with you a bit more about your business and how I may be able to help you. Just click here to jump over into messenger & chat!
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