Profit is a Choice

When I first opened my Salon at 20 years old, I had no idea what true profit even was, let alone how to make it.

Each year I grew more and more frustrated as my annual profit was reading the same number. I craved growth, but didn’t know what I should be doing differently.

That’s when I realised: profit is a choice.

I owed it to my team, my clients, my business… and most importantly, myself. I had the push that I needed to make some simple changes so that I could make profit my priority.

In this episode of the Podcast, I want to share with you my 5 key steps to making profit a priority.

To become profitable, you need to make the choice to make profit a priority, daily. Today, I’ll chat all about these 5 steps and how you can integrate them into your everyday life as a Salon Owner.

It’s all about knowing your numbers, having a purpose for your money, making budgeting easy, putting profit first and knowing what profit is for you.

And while these steps may sound daunting, I promise you- if I can do it, then you can too!

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • How to prioritise profit
  • Making profit a choice
  • Why you need to know your numbers
  • The reason why money needs a purpose
  • All about making budgeting easy
  • What is profit for you?


Recommended Links

CLICK HERE to check out Jessica Giles and Chic Money Mastery

CLICK HERE to get the book “Profit First” by Mike Michalowicz

CLICK HERE to join me in the Salon Owners Collective Facebook Group

About the author, Larissa

With 20 years as a Successful & profitable Salon Owner, leading a team of 30 and developing industry-first technology.

I’ve dedicated my career to helping salon owners achieve Finiancial & personal success.

After selling my salon, I founded the Salon Owners Collective and created the Salon Mastery Program, empowering owners to grow $1M+ salons with Rockstar Teams and powerful profits.

When I’m not running a team of 11, developing growth programs I’m a mum of two, and renovating our family home