A Year in Review: My Best Advice from 2019

Let’s take a moment to reflect.
As we step into 2020, a new year filled with new possibilities… we first must look back on the year that’s passed, in order to look forward into 2020.
To make the best of 2020 you must become someone different than you’ve been in 2019.
If you do the same as you did last year, nothing will change- everything will stay the same. Lunacy is doing the same as you’ve done before, and expecting a different result.
Let’s work toward bringing out your best & becoming a real salon CEO in 2020, instead of just having another year of ‘average’!
I want to dive into some big lessons from 2019… look back on the year that’s gone so that we can have a clear head moving into 2020. Then we can truly focus on Mastering your inner Salon CEO for the year ahead.
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