Learn the Art of Loving Yourself

What have you done today to prioritise your own self-care?
As hairdressers and therapists, let alone business owners, we can so often become all too focused on caring for our clients and prioritising other people so much- team, family, friends- and somehow leave ourselves out of the picture!
What you need to be doing is treating yourself like you’d treat those other people.
In today’s episode of the Podcast, I’m chatting with Tracy Manu. Tracy has a coaching business, Blossom with Tracy Manu, where she helps empower and support female business owners like yourself who want to show up more for themselves, and in turn, other people.
Even though it can feel like putting others first is the right thing to do, if you aren’t paying yourself enough attention then you cannot, in fact, show up for others as well.
You’ll also hear a few strategies to help you in dealing with team dynamics and other life stresses while not losing sight of yourself …plus some tips on prioritising self-love and self-care.
In this episode, you’ll learn about:
- [0:00]- Meet Tracy
- [1:00]- A day in the life
- [1:50]- Self-care for hairdressers
- [3:20]- How can we put ourselves first for a change
- [8:35]- Figure out what is and what isn’t working
- [12:10]- Dealing with team dynamics and other life stresses
- [21:00]- Things we should all be doing to take care of ourselves
- [31:40]- Tracy’s recommended resource & social links
Recommended Links
CLICK HERE to check out Brene Brown speaking about her The Anatomy of Trust
CLICK HERE to check out Tracy on Instagram
CLICK HERE to come and chat with me in the Salon Owner’s Collective Facebook Group
CLICK HERE to check out our Podcast on Spotify
Get to know us:
- You want to grow but you feel stuck.You have the grit, determination, and the mindset to make your salon a booming success. What you’re missing is the solid business framework needed to create a foundation for growth, build a team and profitability for your salon. Want our help? Click here to chat with me about how we can help you and your team grow… (actually chat with a real human)
- Join the SalonBot Free Masterclass – Turn Likes into Bookings The SalonBot Masterclass takes you through the 5 step strategy to Turn Likes into Bookings using Messenger Marketing – brought to you by SalonBot. As part of this ‘tell-all’ masterclass, you will learn how to create a long term strategic marketing plan to attract quality clients into your salon… (no longer relying on Dollar Deal marketing). Click here to save your seat.