How to Harness the Power of Instagram Marketing in your Salon

In today’s age of social media driven sales it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and drop the ball when it comes to consistency and tactics. Weather you know it or not, your social media can do a lot more than just ‘look pretty’. Using the power of Instagram for your salon you can provide a brand experience right in your clients hands.
On this episode of the Salon Owners Collective podcast, we’re joined by Mackayla Paul, an Instagram Marketing Specialist. As well as her business, Social Stylings, being named as one of the top 50 Instagram Marketing blogs in the world, she is the Marketing Manager for an Instagram scheduling and strategy app called Plann.
In this episode she shares:
- Insights into what salon owners are not doing right when it comes to Instagram Marketing
- How to strike gold when it comes to taking good quality content photos
- The power of Instagram Stories & the best Highlight reels you need.
- The Do’s & Don’ts of Instagram Influencers and Brand Ambassadors
CLICK HERE to learn more about Mackayla and her work as an Instagram Marketing Specialist
CLICK HERE to find Mackayla on Instagram
CLICK HERE to Listen to Mackayla’s Podcast: The Busy Business Women Podcast
CLICK HERE for Mackayla’s Recommended Book: Confessions of a Misfit Entrepreneur by Kate Toon