How to Make More Money From the Clients You Already Have

If you’re looking to make more money in your Salon, there are only 2 ways to do it. Either you attract more clients, or you make more money from the clients you already have.
And if you ask me, the first thing to do is to focus on the clients in front of you. Could they be spending more? I know they could.
It’s like this
Let’s say you owned a restaurant, you wouldn’t hand them the check before asking them if they’d like coffee or dessert, would you?
Now, I’m not saying that more clients don’t equal more money – but wouldn’t it be ideal if you could make more money without campaigning for new clients?
In this episode of The Salon Owners Collective Podcast, I reveal 6 ways to get your clients to spend more, and strategies you can implement that will increase your average client spend by 10, 20 or even 30%.
So that when you do attract new clients, you make more money from them, too.
Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:
- Discover the 6 ways to make more money… without having to market to new clients
- Implement the right systems and processes to keep clients (and their cash) from falling through the cracks.
- Learn the 3 things that will get your team focused on (and invested in) optimising client spending.
Ready to start implementing these strategies in your salon but worried about how it will work with your team? Get the Rockstar Team Guide, everything you need to prepare your team for success – just click here
Let’s chat…
I’d like to chat with you a bit more about your business and how I may be able to help you. Just click here to jump over into messenger & chat!
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