How to Get a Winning Team Culture- Once and for All

Do you ever feel like you constantly want MORE for your Salon? 

Whether it’s team growth, self-mastery as a CEO, or more sales….

I’m pretty sure every Salon Owner knows this feeling!

But achieving these things sometimes feels impossible. Especially if you don’t know the right steps to take in order to actually achieve them.

Even with all of the external advice out there these days, it’s still hard to know who to trust and if any of it will actually work… believe me, I know this feeling well. 

So I took myself back and remembered what I really needed when I was a Salon Owner… and then it hit me!

I needed someone to show me what was possible… and I mean really possible, for my business, and for me as a Salon Owner. 

Someone who had walked the unknown road ahead of me, and been successful…

In this episode, I wanted to do the same for you. That’s why I’ve invited Skye, from my Salon Mastery Program, to chat with me. 

Skye has owned her Salon for 10 years and has grown the business into a huge success, so now she’s going to show you how she did it (so that you can do the same!)



Inner CEO Snapshot

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Let’s chat…

I’d like to chat with you a bit more about your business and how I may be able to help you. Just click here to jump over into messenger & chat!


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About the author, Larissa

With 20 years as a Successful & profitable Salon Owner, leading a team of 30 and developing industry-first technology.

I’ve dedicated my career to helping salon owners achieve Finiancial & personal success.

After selling my salon, I founded the Salon Owners Collective and created the Salon Mastery Program, empowering owners to grow $1M+ salons with Rockstar Teams and powerful profits.

When I’m not running a team of 11, developing growth programs I’m a mum of two, and renovating our family home