From Survive to Thrive (during an unexpected & unpredictable time)

We want to help you out during a time that can feel stressful and overwhelming. 

The implications a pandemic can have on not only your health, but also your business, your team and your clients may have been unexpected… but we’re all in this together.

We cannot predict how this is going to pan out, but we can prepare for the worst, then get on and hope for the best! Move forward pro-actively and lower anxiety by reducing re-activity.

This is the time to step up as the leader in your business and show your team ‘you got this’ even if you feel you don’t. How you react toward your team is how they will react to everything during this time: clients, each other and your brand.

I’ve put together 5 keys to think about or take action on.



CLICK HERE to gain free access to the Survive to Thrive HUB in messenger- your key to keeping your business alive during this time

Covid-19 Resources

CLICK HERE to see the Australian Covid-19 Infection Control Training

CLICK HERE for more information



About the author, Larissa

Business Coach helping Salons reach $1 Million+: After 20 years as a Salon Owner, I worked in online marketing & technology development, Business Development Manager at Timely Salon Software and co-founded HAIRshare app for Stylists.

I realised that I love helping Salon’s with their marketing, implementing the latest technology and developing strategies that have been proven to help Owner who smarter, not harder in their Salon business.

I founded Salon Owners Collective nearly 10 years ago as an online community with the mission of inspiring and empowering Salon Owners across the globe, to build a business of Freedom & Profit without stress and overwhelm. We have already helped 10+ Owners reach $1 Million+ success.