Defying the Odds: Opening a Salon Via Zoom?!

Did you know: it is possible for a Salon business to excel in the current climate?!
I get it, this may sound crazy to some. Covid-19 has affected so many businesses in this industry in so many ways, most of which have been negative.
But when I tell you that I know someone who has defied all odds with her story, I’m not exaggerating!
Meet Haylee Benton. Haylee is a 3x Salon Owner and ‘serial entrepreneur’ who has a mass of achievements under her belt…
But what we are going to focus on today, is opening her new Salon in Palmerston North, New Zealand- while Haylee was all the way over in the UK! That’s right, she opened a Salon via zoom.
Haylee will share her expert advice on how to start and run a successful salon business, including forming an excellent team culture, a plan for growth, and how to ensure things run perfectly when you aren’t actually ‘there’ in-salon.
Inner CEO Snapshot
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