Creating Space to Transform your Business

Being in business is difficult but it doesn’t have to be a constant struggle.

The last time i spoke on the podcast i was talking over going through another recent overwhelm stage in my life. As hard as it was for me to come to terms with it, sharing it gave me the power i needed to push through. Since I closed that chapter, I’m now focusing on creating space to transform as a business owner.

I want to share with you the 3 different rolls that you have in your business and how to maximize each to bring out your strengths that your business needs. Join me as i cover:

  • Why Small business tend to fail
  • Prioritising your time
  • Sharing your strengths
  • Why balance is so crucial
  • Creating space for innovation
  • How to be free while still being in control




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CLICK HERE for Larissa’s Recommended Book – The e myth, Michael Gerber – why small business don’t work and what to do about it.

About the author, Larissa

With 20 years as a Successful & profitable Salon Owner, leading a team of 30 and developing industry-first technology.

I’ve dedicated my career to helping salon owners achieve Finiancial & personal success.

After selling my salon, I founded the Salon Owners Collective and created the Salon Mastery Program, empowering owners to grow $1M+ salons with Rockstar Teams and powerful profits.

When I’m not running a team of 11, developing growth programs I’m a mum of two, and renovating our family home