Christmas Countdown Week 9: Get Your Stock Ordered Now

The busy lead up to Christmas can often feel like a blur of parties, being out on the floor all day, putting out staff fires, getting shite sorted for your own family Christmas…and, well, the list goes on.
During this busy time, it’s important to remember to still tick off those small, simple tasks that may lie in danger of falling by the wayside in this hectic period.
One of those totally unglamorous yet crucially essential activities is Stock Ordering.
Ordering stock may be a tedious thing to do… BUT it’s so important to get it done and get it done EARLY when there’s so much else going on.
When it’s done and out of the way, it is one less thing to worry about in those last crazy weeks right before Christmas.
In this episode, I’m going to share with you my Christmas Stock Ordering essential to-do list.
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