Christmas Countdown Week 2 & 1: The Top 5 Things to Think About Right Now, and Answering Your Questions!

Can you believe it: Christmas is less than a week away…
And there’s only a little more than that til 2020!
How does that make you feel?
In this episode we’ll recap the last 2 weeks of my Christmas Countdown – that’s right, the countdown is OVER
In week 2-
For many, the thought of 2020 creeping closer and closer will bring with it a looming feeling of stress & worry.
I know Salon Owners who get themselves worked up every year around this time, because they start to reflect on all the things they haven’t ticked off their to-do lists.
You need to let go of those things you haven’t accomplished, and instead put your energy into things that’ll move your business forward- now, and in the long run. I’m going to tell you the top 5 priorities that you should be worrying about right now.
Everything else can be left behind in 2019! Tune into this live replay to hear how to do this, and don’t forget to Complete this week’s Priorities List to get in the right mindset to finish off 2019 with a roar, and begin 2020 with the momentum to make it a breakthrough year… I’ll link it below
For Week 1-
This week I answered the top 3 most frequently asked questions from 2019! This is one you will not want to miss… all your questions are finally being answered!
Let’s check it out… And don’t forget to check out the week 1 freebie, you know the drill- I’ll leave the link below!
Download the Freebie
CLICK HERE to get your Priorities List for Week 2
CLICK HERE to get the Action Guide for Week 1
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