Breaking the Stigma Around Home Hair Colour…

I’m kind of scared to say this, because I know it’s something that makes a lot of Salon Owner’s eyes roll…
That’s right, today we’re talking about home hair colour.
And I know you might be thinking, “But Larissa, you used to be a hairdresser, why are you talking about home hair colour!?” OK, let me explain…
The stigma around home hair colour is something that’s circulated our industry for years… like, I get it. Why do your hair at home when you can come in and be pampered in my amazing salon… right?!
But did you know that only 20% of people actually go to Salons? There’s a reason why supermarket haircare brands are so successful… and so I think it’s time we tapped into this market a little more, and started breaking the stigma around home hair colour.
Why miss out on that 80% of clients when there’s a way home hair colour can be done WELL… with a proper consultation from a qualified hairdresser and everything.
That’s why today I’m chatting to Karen Anne from Della Ricca Hair Colour. Della Ricca Hair Colour is an at home colour company done RIGHT. This is sure to change your opinion on this topic, I just know it…
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