5 Easy Ways to Generate Income into your Salon

Recovering & Rebuilding your business, Post-Covid, will require you to carry out some Income Generating Activities (IGA).
To really move the needle in your business and increase your sales income (and thus your profitability), you need to ensure you replace some of your ‘client time’ with training your team to serve clients well and giving them the best service.
In my experience, the better you serve your clients the more they spend. Get these two things right, and you have a humming business.
Well… I’ve done the work for you!
In this episode I’ll share my 5 simple and quick income generating ideas you can implement straight away.
Start to rebuild your business Post-Covid, without investing hours you don’t have on complicated marketing strategies. Use these fun Income Generating Activities… & reap the rewards
Top 10 Income-Generating Ideas Guide
Just click here to grab yourself a copy of the guide in Messenger!
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