The 3 Things Holding Your Salon’s Success Hostage

Do you have a hostage situation in your salon? No, not the nightmare scenario you’re envisioning, but still scary nonetheless, I’m talking about your salon’s success. And the person who’s keeping it hostage is you.

Thankfully, with a few foundational steps, you can finally set the potential for your salon’s success free and begin seeing the business growth you dream of transition into your reality.

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • Why it’s crucial that you learn how to manage and control your time, plus my top tips on how to minimize constant hat-switching in your salon
  • How to let go of the mental blocks you have around how you’re perceived, and shift your mindset into one of success rather than fear or doubt
  • The trap you’ll inevitably fall into if you don’t prioritize your self-care and how it hurts your business


CLICK HERE to get your free 5 Steps to Freedom & Profit Guide to learn the framework for finally achieving freedom in your life and salon.

CLICK HERE to schedule a strategy call with the Salon Owners Collective team to see how support and accountability can help you achieve the freedom and profit you desire.


About the author, Larissa

With 20 years as a Successful & profitable Salon Owner, leading a team of 30 and developing industry-first technology.

I’ve dedicated my career to helping salon owners achieve Finiancial & personal success.

After selling my salon, I founded the Salon Owners Collective and created the Salon Mastery Program, empowering owners to grow $1M+ salons with Rockstar Teams and powerful profits.

When I’m not running a team of 11, developing growth programs I’m a mum of two, and renovating our family home