How Salons Can Help Combat Domestic Abuse

You are in a unique position.

As a stylist or therapist, you build deep, trusted relationships with your clients. You see them at their most vulnerable, hear their personal stories, and sometimes, notice things that others don’t.

Are You Ready for the Rise of AI in Salons?

I can’t go on holiday… what if someone is sick? Or a client complains? And what will my team do if a pipe bursts?!

The thought of leaving your team can be super stressful and that’s before you’ve even booked any flights! But sometimes, a holiday away from your team is actually the best thing you can do for your business.

Why You Need to Take Time Off Right Now!

I know how you feel, you’ve been grinding non-stop all year… even more so in December!

But now, you’re exhausted and there’s still 285762 things left for you to do before the New Year! You need to deep clean the Salon, order stock, think of a killer offer to get clients booked into January, plan your goals for 2025 AND then you still need to wear all the hats at home of a mother, wife, sister and friend!

When is The Perfect Time to Sell My Salon?

What do you want your Salon to look like when you’re ready to sell?

Selling your Salon is an emotional back and forth process… should I sell? Should I stay? How much is my Salon worth? What would I even do next? Omg this is all too hard and stressful,l I’m just going to keep doing what I’m doing!

3 Ways to Successfully Navigate the Christmas Cray-Cray

Anyone else working 40+ hours a week in December so by the time Christmas Day comes around… you have to sneak off for a cheeky nap?

But, imagine if you didn’t have to do that! It’s Christmas Day and you’re feeling alive (rather than totally exhausted) and you can actually enjoy spending time with your friends and family without your eyes getting heavy at 1pm!