How to Master the Salon Sprint

Have you ever tried sprinting on a treadmill?

Now, not just any treadmill… one where you’re sprinting but can’t slow down or stop? I know what you’re thinking,”Larissa, there’s no way that is happening”. But, the truth is, whilst you may not be physically sprinting on a treadmill non-stop, there’s another treadmill you’re sprinting on right now. The treadmill of a Salon Owner!

How She Grew Her Salon to $1 Million

My Salon just won’t grow…

Have you ever felt stuck in your Salon’s growth? You’re feel like you’re doing all the right things… you’re hiring rockstar stylists and therapists, you’re posting on social media, you’re hitting KPIs… but the needle just won’t move. So you begin to feel lost and not sure what to do next because you’re doing everything ‘right’, it’s just not working!

The Rise and Fall of Solo Salon’s

Everyone is going solo…

As an industry, we’ve seen a huge shift in stylists and therapists leaving to go solo. Why wouldn’t they? They get to make their own hours, pay themselves whatever they want AND they can work out of their own home!

Your Salon Wasn’t Comfortable…

As Salon Owners, we always do our best to make our clients feel relaxed and welcome in our Salon… right?

But, we might’ve missed something.

Have you ever asked a client if they would prefer to chat or just sit quietly with a magazine? Or, if they would prefer to sit in the far corner that’s away from all the other chairs? And… have you asked your team these questions too?

My Manager Took My Job

My Salon can’t push forward without me…

You know that feeling where you’re the Salon Owner but you’re also the biggest earner and a mother and a partner and you’re just doing all the things… you feel stuck. You want to grow your business but you can’t because you never have time to do anything outside of daily operations. It’s a cycle that can be hard to break.