Put Yourself Out There & Get Visible
Earlier this year I met Emma and Carla, aka The Merrymaker Sisters, two awesomely fun sisters who have built a strong & loyal Instagram following of over 60 thousand for their health and lifestyle business! We had a great time recording the interview – you can listen here on the Get Visible Podcast I’m always…
Read Full PostIs your website & social media working hard for your business?
As salon owners, it’s easy to get so caught up with the day to day running of your business, seeing to clients’ needs and keeping the salon ticking over, that you can forget how important it is to maintain your presence online. Once your website is up, it’s vital you don’t just leave it there…
Read Full PostSuccess Is Not An Accident
Success is not usually an accident. It usually follows a formula. But before you even get to a formula, you need to be clear what you want to be successful at! Sure, we all want to be successful in business, of course, otherwise, why did we get into business in the first place. Success needs…
Read Full PostA Salon’s Secret Formula For Success
Successful salon owners often get asked, ‘what’s your salon secret formula for success?’ There are so many factors at play when it comes to going it alone and setting up your own salon, it’s easy to look at other successful businesses out there and think that there must be some magic bullet that will take…
Read Full PostThe Art of Client Recognition
I often get asked: ‘what’s the secret to creating a successful and long-lasting salon business?’ The answer? Create an exceptional client experience that will keep them as lifelong partners for your business. Thinking of your clients as potential partners is key. The stats say 85% of customers come from referrals, and in just the same way…
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