The Secret to a Million Dollar Mindset

Salon CEO

“What the heck am I doing”


I started my Salon at 20, 6 months after my apprenticeship… and I didn’t know what the heck I was doing. I was just winging it. I was exhausted and wanted to keep pushing through, even though I wasn’t making any money!


I decided one day that I need to prioritise profit. 


Because even though at the time, I already had a team of 20 and was renting out a little office space above the Salon… I didn’t know what the heck I was doing. So when I decided to prioritise profit, I realised I need to put in the work, not feel resentful about the work and learn how to work smarter.


I evaluated my spending habits, set goals for long term savings and cut out impulsive buying (who else is guilty of this?). Having money in the bank needed to become my new focus if I wanted to have a million dollar mindset. 

This is The Secret to a Million Dollar Mindset.

Make a Decision

I’ve always said that profit is a choice… and it’s true! If you don’t choose profit, you’ll never make profit. 


Profit needs to be the core goal of your business if you want to adopt a million dollar mindset. Trust me, this shift in your mind will be a game changer. 


When you align your daily operations (and big rock projects) to the goal of profit, you’ll feel a shift in your Salon. You’ll begin prioritising systems and processes that directly contribute to profit. 


Your goal of profit will guide you with what to do next and will motivate you to work smarter!


Money Doesn’t Need to be Traumatic

Money trauma… it’s a real thing!


I want you to reflect for a minute, because there are lots of things that can happen in our lives that contribute to this money trauma. Maybe your parents had really tight budgets growing up, you don’t like to spend money on anything, or on the flip side, you spend EVERYTHING! 


All of these experiences whether it be scarcity, avoidance or impulsive spending, recognising these patterns and behaviour will help you break free from these constraints. You can’t have a million dollar mindset if you’re holding onto money trauma. 


You need to address these traumas and adopt a positive financial outlook if you want to grow your Salon… a positive relationship with money will help you reach your goal of profit!


Salon CEO

Salon CEOs are Data-Driven

You need to Know Your Numbers!


Your numbers will always tell you what to do, which is why you need to look at them… a lot (I promise, numbers aren’t that scary). 


Salon CEOs make data-driven decisions. When you look at your numbers, you get a clear picture of your Salon’s performance and what you’re missing. When you track and measure everything, you will feel confident in making key business decisions.


Money has a Purpose

Money isn’t just so you can pay your bills and buy nice things… it has a real purpose. 

You need to give money a clear purpose to change the way you manage and plan your finances. Set clear goals (both for you and your Salon #FreedomandProfit) and make a plan to ensure that your daily operations align with these goals. When money and profit has a purpose, you’re on track to achieving a million dollar mindset.


You Need to Master Selling

I know what you’re thinking… ‘Larissa, I don’t want to be too sales-y with my clients’. 


But if you’re not selling to them, someone else will!


When you’re serving a client, you’re selling them your time to help them look and feel better. You need to educate your clients to make informed decisions about what treatments and products will help them reach their goals, whether it be beautiful blonde hair or clean skin. 


Selling to clients is key to prioritising profit.



The Secret to a Million Dollar Mindset encompasses these 5 steps. When you adopt all 5, you will have laid the foundation for a $1 Million+ Salon. You are on your way to unlocking your Salon’s full potential, congratulations!


Just a quick recap:

  • Profit is a choice.
  • Knowing your numbers is key to making Salon CEO decisions.
  • When you have a Million Dollar Mindset… you will unlock your Salon’s full potential for success!

Learn more about Million Dollar Mindset: 5 Lessons You Need to Know by listening to the podcast episode here.


Salon Owners, are you ready to become a $1 Million+ Salon WITHOUT working more hours… did I mention you can also reach $1 Million+ by working LESS hours? 

I created The Salon Mastery Program for Salon Owners, like you, to achieve Freedom AND Profits can WITHOUT stress and overwhelm.

If you want to join this community, please reach out, I’d love to chat. Let's find out if Salon Mastery is a good fit for you. 

About the author, Larissa

Business Coach helping Salons reach $1 Million+: After 20 years as a Salon Owner, I worked in online marketing & technology development, Business Development Manager at Timely Salon Software and co-founded HAIRshare app for Stylists.

I realised that I love helping Salon’s with their marketing, implementing the latest technology and developing strategies that have been proven to help Owner who smarter, not harder in their Salon business.

I founded Salon Owners Collective nearly 10 years ago as an online community with the mission of inspiring and empowering Salon Owners across the globe, to build a business of Freedom & Profit without stress and overwhelm. We have already helped 10+ Owners reach $1 Million+ success.